Nicholas Foo Party8 Ambassador
Nicholas Foo
Professional Darts Player
Nicholas Foo is a rising star in the professional darts scene, bringing precision, strategy, and an unshakable focus to every game. Known for his sharp aim and cool composure under pressure, Nicholas is a force to be reckoned with on the darts board. As a Party8 ambassador, he stays at the top of his game with Party8 Hangover Recovery Aid and Party Patch, ensuring that every tournament and celebration is met with peak performance and quick recovery. Whether competing on stage or enjoying a well-earned night out, Nicholas knows the key to balance—play hard, recover smarter.
A revolution in party wellness, Party8 is committed to enriching your social life with a health-first approach. Born from Party Science Sdn Bhd's vision, our mission intertwines enjoyment with wellness, offering cutting-edge products to fuel your energy, expedite your hangover recovery, and boost your vitality.
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Tower A Level 1-05 Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3 Bangsar South No 8, Jalan Kerinchi 59200 , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Office: (+603) 2242 0820

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